Daily Virgo Horoscope March 30 (30/03)
Aug 23 − Sep 22
Alias: Alias: The Virgin
March 30
daily virgo horoscope:
daily virgo horoscope:
Star 8/10
What you might see as complex could be the result of seemingly mixed or confusing messages coming your way from others but this might have much to do with unfamiliar territory youre entering in some way. Once you take the necessary step, youll see how straightforward a situation really is. Others know its simple. Soon, you too will wonder what all the fuss was about.
Read more...Star 7/10
A line exists between conveying yourself confidently and your words carrying too much clout. As keen as you might be to ensure your point is heard and understood, real skill in making your point is knowing when to back off. Its possible getting someone on your side might require them to believe your idea is their own but laboring a point will only serve to frustrate you and annoy them.
Read more...Star 8/10
Should you be careful what you wish for this week? By all means, be selective but, because of a link between your ruler and Jupiter, youll need to keep your expectations reasonable. Dont get carried away with too many ideas about what you want or believe would improve your world vastly overnight. Focus on what you know you need and why you need it. That message alone will give the cosmos what it needs to ensure you attain it.
Read more...Star 7/10
Noticeable emphasis could exist on finances, involving money matters youre sorting out for yourself or those that involve a partner. You could discover whats meant by the saying mighty oaks from little acorns grow as something on the financial front reveals itself to be more profitable than you believed it would be. A Full Moon in your sign on the 12th highlights how youre keen to be seen in the eyes of certain others and a matter of principle could be at stake surrounding this. Try to see any knock to your confidence as March draws to a close as very temporary.
Read more...Star 9/10
If you find yourself giving in to other people too much because you feel they depend on you, it\s time to give yourself the attention you deserve and stop distracting yourself through filling the needs of others. Ground yourself with deep breathing exercises. Have you been getting regular aerobic exercise? Take it easy if it\s been a while, but definitely try to get back into caring for yourself first.
Read more...Star 8/10
Get some space today. You are filled with a sense of power, and you need to work out what to do with this yourself, not with others. There is a lot you can do with this energy. For one thing, the physical exercise you do could put you in a trance state where you will receive important messages from your unconscious. Don\t miss this! There is a lot of healing energy within you, and this transit is a way to tap that energy for present and future use.
Read more...Star 10/10
There\s a lot of nervous energy around making you restless and jumpy. You don\t enjoy this feeling. You prefer being rooted in reality. It might be time to go outside and appreciate the beauty of the natural surroundings. If you have a green thumb, get muddy planting some seeds. You\ll feel better. Grow your own vegetables and reap the health benefits.
Read more...Star 8/10
Perhaps your biggest challenge this month will be to keep up those healthy routines even when you lose the motivation to do so. You could be particularly busy with a number of distractions that derail your best intentions. Therefore, give yourself a minimum and maximum level of daily exercise and grant yourself more leeway. Looking at the bigger picture could encourage you to make life less stressful. By cutting out activities that are causing you worry or frustration and adopting practices that aid balance and inner peace, you may begin to feel much better. Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now
Read more...Star 7/10
Today\s aspect may indicate that right now you are your own worst enemy as far as a close personal relationship is concerned. There is something in your attitude that encourages you to undermine what could be a really promising partnership. The answer lies not in anything your partner (current or prospective) may or may not do, but within yourself. You need to stand back and view it all from a different perspective.
Read more...Star 9/10
You may feel more detached than usual, due to the position of the planets. Certainly in terms of one relationship, you know that deep down you are feeling extremely passionate and even slightly obsessed, but you have no intention of giving the game away as a far as letting them know about this. Your potential love may wonder what is going on. It may help if you explain a little!
Read more...Star 8/10
You aren\t an expert in the art of love, but you\re learning. Soak up all of the knowledge you can at the beginning of the week, because you might get a chance to practice it all very soon! You love getting out and exploring new places over the weekend, which can lead to meeting new people and making new friends. Try not to confuse a platonic connection with a romantic one.
Read more...Star 8/10
March 2 brings a Jupiter/Uranus opposition that helps you break free of a lot of the inhibitions that have been holding you back. Nothing is a sure thing, but half the fun is in not knowing if you\ll be rejected. A Full Moon in your sign on March 12 provides a comfortable, organized environment for you to pursue your next love interest. People who share your love of order and neatness are your best matches. Mercury meets up with retrograde Venus on March 18, relaxing your style of communication. Send a casual text to test the waters before officially asking someone out. Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now
Read more...Star 7/10
Your focus is outstanding and although your mind wanders into the clouds once in a while, you will find that these thoughts actually help you instead of hinder you. Take all possibilities into account instead of insisting on wearing your blinders.
Read more...Star 7/10
You like to work toward a larger goal. Today marks the start of a period in which you feel like you are moving further away from that goal instead of towards it. Don\t worry. The insight you gain through this process will help you in the long run.
Read more...Star 9/10
This can be a stressful time if you expect things to remain the same. The calmer and more adaptable you can be, the better. This is a lucky time to arrange for a job interview. It\s the ideal time for a grand opening. Expect to be very busy. You might feel stressed juggling multiple demands. A big smile and cheerful attitude will help everyone involved. Try not to take it seriously if people are demanding.
Read more...Star 10/10
Your attention to detail, superior intellect, and excellent communication skills cultivate success around March 12. Dont be surprised if you receive a promotion or reward mid-March. Instead of taking on more assignments, use this chance to rest and relax. Taking a vacation will give you time to savor your achievements and plan for a happier future. By the time you return to work youll have a chance to cultivate long-term financial security. Take advantage of a profit-sharing agreement or retirement plan in the days surrounding March 26. Failing to contribute to such a fund would be like turning down free money. Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now
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